Groundbreaking !
You cannot make change using PDCA alone.
Using PDCA might seem logical and is seductive to us engineers in particular, but it ignores the human factors at play.
PDCA must be complemented with an understanding of the Bovis Cycle and the BTFA (Believe-Think-Feel-Act) interplay that is happening as human beings experience change, and logic becomes secondary to their instincts.

Masterpiece !
BTFA it!
Believe-Think-Feel-Act is giving us key insight into engaging our colleagues with change management and is now a key part of the Lean Operating Model deployment at GKNAerospace. We will go deeper with it and are now working with Duxinaroe’s new online course, integrating the learning and building on it. It’s fun to do, gives great insight and I truly think David Bovis and Levent Türk have built a masterpiece! Well done Guys!

Mind blowing !
I would not be exaggerating to say that the 5-week on-line course I have since completed has fired my thought patterns ablaze! Both the richness of the content, the presentation style, the depth of knowledge, and the weekly conversations with the cohort and David & Levent was ‘mind-blowing’ (and it’s a course rich in neuroscience!).

One of the top 5 training experiences I've had in the last decade.
The course is definitely something that just keeps giving. There hasn't been a day that's gone by since where I haven't been able to pull something from this course and apply it to helping clients. Couldn't recommend it enough.

Everyone should take this course
Why aren't my improvement initiatives sustaining?
I've explained everything logically but I'm still not getting buy-in.
Why are my coworkers so resistant to change?
If any of this sounds familiar, you should take this course. David and Levent take complex material about brain function and the people side of change initiatives and explain it in very easy to understand concepts.
We finally have the neuroscientific piece to a puzzle that has plagued many of us for much of our careers.
BTFA gives us the framework in which we can be a "force majeure" to ineffective change management. BTFA has given me a skillset that extends beyond my profession and is helping me in all aspects of my life.

Great learning through storytelling
The BTFA course is delivered online - but not through your typical eLearning approach.
The learning is mostly delivered by watching a series of animated videos - the characters and the storyline are engaging enough to keep you wanting to learn more.

Quality Culture Approach!!!!
Great experience, great people and amazing way to challenge yourself!

I'd do it again!
Incredible course!
I'd highly suggest anyone with the opportunity to do this course, do it and learn as much as you can ... everyone should appreciate the value of this!

BTFA - a different approach
A very insightful and useful course to stimulate thinking about thinking. I certainly gained a greater insight into the why and what of my thinking and will now be able to apply this in everyday life

Revolutionising the invitation to Change
This course has provided such a structured way to explore managing change. It reminds us to return to the basics, to understand our physiology before we understand the psychology.
The course has enabled my wiring and firing to understand first, what people believe to be true, before we invite them to change what it is that is asked of them. It was well worth the time and will change my practice going forward.