Root Cause Analysis and Problem Solving (RCA & PS)
A Master Class in the RCA & Problem Solving methods popular in the most successful Lean organisations
Without people ... process and technology do nothing!
This course is designed to help you apply Root Cause Analysis and Problem Solving techniques in your organisation, through cross-functional team-work.
In addition to the technical aspects of this tool, All 'Dux Method' courses focus on the transition people have to make in their minds, when asked to change their ways of working.
In each course, we explore how and why Lean tools, methods and principles work in the brain and mind. Covering this aspect of change maximises the potential for you to sustainably improve your organisational performance and culture.
Sustainable change is only realised practically, when the people involved come to believe the approach is 'Good' (i.e. is of benefit to them).
Without that mental shift ('Towards' the 'New' method), training often becomes ineffective as it fails to translate to the workplace and 'stick' with those trained in the subject.
In reality, what this means, is those involved have an existing wiring pattern in their brain, formed by their experience in the world. This experience is reinforced systematically, so a little bit of technical training fails to create a new neural network.
If the exposure to a new way of seeing the world and acting in the world isn't sufficient to create a significant change in an individuals wiring pattern, and the 'prevailing conditions' (sociological, systematic) don't alter in concert with the change people are expected to make at a process level, there is often no sustainability to the change to behaviours required at the coal face... without a significant shift in neural wiring patterns, people often fail to alter their perceptions and beliefs, which in turn, means they do not apply what they have been taught, but instead, return to doing things as they always have (i.e. continue to think feel and act as life has 'wired' them to think, feel and act).
This is equally, if not more applicable, to owners, shareholders and leaders, than it is to everyone else in a business. As the old saying goes, "The fish rots from the head" ... if you don't get the thinking right in the board room, transactional and process based change is difficult to justify and almost impossible to maximise and sustain in the other areas of the organisation.
There MUST be alignment in philosophy and a shared belief in the principles from top-floor to shop-floor!
Failing to address this renders many change programs ineffective (and more costly as they are not 'Right First Time').
The Dux Method details the psychology that underpins the success Toyota has become famous for and highlights what is required to realise the significant sustainable change behind a high performance culture.
In short, our courses embody what the majority of the western world has failed to understand for the past few decades, leading to the often cited ">75% change failure rate".
If you want to avoid the same mistakes the western world has been making for the last few decades, when aiming to improve organisational performance, Duxinaroe is the 1st choice for distance learning.
Duxinaroe's exclusive approach ensures the student understands the technical method to be applied in the workplace, and, some of the reasons why such methods work at a deeper level. (The Human Factors involved).
The highest performing teams only materialise where leaders are able to create the conditions in which people feel [psychologically] 'safe'.
With our models, we help leaders understand how to 'Find the Balance' between the tools (logical) and people (emotional) tasked with adopting and ultimately, applying those logical tools in their work-place.
That employs PEOPLE!
You won’t regret it!
The path to becoming an expert mountaineer and cliffhanger takes dedication and time, but if you put your mind to it, you'll have no problem becoming one of the best. What are you waiting for?
The Brain - Video Overview
The Brain - Text
The Brain - Audio
The Mind - Video Overview
The Mind - Text
The Mind - Audio
Has your brain made new connections already?
How are you feeling?
How are you feeling? - Audio
Setting up for success - Text
Setting Up For Success - Audio - A
Setting up for success - Audio - B
Leadership I - Trait Theory - Text
Trait Theory - Audio
Leadership I - Lewin Lippitt and White - Text
Lewin Lippitt and White - Audio
Leadership I - X and Y - Text
X and Y - Audio
Leadership I - The Managerial Grid - Text
Managerial grid - Audio
Leadership I - Recap (Quick Quiz)
Leadership II - Situational Leadership - Text
Situational Leadership - Audio
Leadership II - Team Maturity - Text
Team Maturity - Audio
Leadership II - Combining models - Text
Combining Models - Audio
Leadership II - Contingency Theory - Text
Contingency Theory - Audio
Leadership II - Herzberg's Motivation and hygiene factors - Text
Motivation and Hygiene - Audio
Leadership II - Action Centred Leadership - Text
Action Centred Leadership - Audio
Leadership II - Learning Style Preferences - Text
Learning Style Preferences - Audio
LeadershipII - Recap (Quick Quiz)
The stages of team development - Text
Stages of Team Development - Audio 1
Stages of Team Development - Audio 2
George Elton Mayo - Text
George Elton Mayo - Audio
Research - Text
Research - Audio
Teamwork - Quiz
Describe the problem
Visually Quantify the Problem and Objective
Writing Objective Statements
Include a list of items to support the central theme of your page. Bulleted lists are a great way to parse information into digestible pieces.
How to write a robust Problem and Objective statement
How to construct a CEDAC Diagram (Factory and Office)
Understanding Common Mistakes (Process and People)
How to Gather Good Data
How to get the best from Cross-functional teams & Visually tracking issues
Understanding the Psychology of workplace change and the transition people navigate.
Regular Price
RCA Payment Plan